Thursday, 26 February 2015


I've lately been struck by a strange realisation. By lately I literally mean over the last half an hour. I logged in to Facebook as I often do. By scrolling down through the news feed I was able to pick out the latest updates from various friends and acquaintances, some close, others less so.

First of all I watched a dog push a cat into a bath. Then I read about the passing of someone's brother. Then I read about the birth of someone's twins. Then I watched a paper aeroplane hit a footballer in the head.  

Now I sit here stunned by the tragic, the exciting, the utterly banal and the completely hilarious and have absolutely no idea what emotion dominates me. My sadness for someone's loss is tempered by my excitement for someone else's gain. I am not fatalistic, I don't believe that there is a higher purpose, or that we are all part of a wider plan. But if you ever wanted a snapshot of life and death in the 21st century perhaps this is it: sandwiched inconsequentially between camera-phone video moments.

And despite my emotionally confused state, all of them were celebrations in one way or another. Nobody posted nasty comments or insults. Everyone laughed, cried, supported and congratulated in equal measure. Maybe 'social' could be the right word for it after all.

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